People think intelligence is as simple as they’re smart or they’re dumb but humans are way to complex for that to even be a possibility. You can be smart in so many different ways and being book smart or being a fast learner isn’t the only way! In this article I’m going to be going over the 9 types of intelligence and help you find out which one you resonate with the most :).

~ Logical ~
If you are the logical type you have analysis based solutions. Also logical and mathematical problems should come pretty easy too! A job example of the logical type would be a mathematician or scientists.
- Good with numbers
-Play logical or strategic games a lot
-Like puzzles and mysteries
-Good problem solvers
~ Spatial ~
If you are the spatial type, then you are picture smart meaning you can visualize accurately or perceive the meanings of pictures! Some jobs for someone who was spatial intelligent would be pilots, painters, or architects.
-aware of surroundings
-good at painting or drawing
-good at solving puzzles
~ Linguistic ~
If you’re the linguistic type your word smart aka a good speaker or good at writing! Some job examples would be journalists, poets, public speakers.
-comfortable writing and speaking your thoughts
-enjoy reading or writing
-know how to use words better than others
-ability to learn languages
~ Musical ~
If you’re the musical type you’re very sound smart, you are able to hear things others don’t and are great at composing music! Some job examples would be composers and musicians!
-hear what others don’t
-have music playing the background while doing tasks
-you can create music easily
-you know rhythm and tone easily
-can recognize a lot of patterns
~ Existential ~
If you are the existential type you are very introspective and question a lot of deeper topics. Some job examples would be philosophers, scientists, and theologists.
-highly sensitive
-have lots of questions and want answers
-answers deep questions about human existence
-curious about topics like life beyond death
~ Intrapersonal ~
If you are the intrapersonal type you are very introspective and understand yourself. Some job examples would be philosophers or psychologists.
-self motivated
-aware of how your feeling
-likes to self reflect
-aware of their skills
~ Kinesthetic ~
If you are the kinesthetic type you are very body smart meaning, you can control your body well. Some job examples would be surgeons or athletes.
-have good timing for physical activities like sports
-knowing your physical limits
-good physical coordination
~ Naturalistic ~
If you are the Naturalistic type. You are very nature smart meaning you can read animals very well and recognize patterns in plants! Some job examples would be botanists, geologists, and chefs.
-You love nature
-Connect with animals
-Good at taking care of animals and plants
-Care about the environment
-Like to be in touch with nature
~ Interpersonal ~
If you are the Interpersonal type, you are great at reading others whether it's their moods or motivations. Some job examples would be teachers and social workers.
-usually have a lot of friends
-can sense people’s moods
-understand others and are very empathetic
-can see people’s different point of views