We see hundreds of different colors every. single. day. But, is there something beyond colors besides it's beauty. Do certain colors affect our moods and if so is there evidence that supports the idea?
Can Different Colors Affect Your Mood?
Yes, different colors can affect your mood!
Why Can Colors Affect Your Mood?
Colors only affect your mood temporarily. They affect your mood because when a certain color is seen it can trigger hormones that affect your emotions!
Is There Evidence That Supports It?
Yes, there have been many studies showing that certain colors can trigger certain emotions like stress and calmness. One study even showed that a certain color like red, negatively impacted how students did on tests (study linked at the bottom of this page)!
Which Colors Make People Feel Happiest?
Warmer colors like red, yellow, and orange tend to make people feel happier.
Which Colors Make People Feel Calmest?
Cooler colors like blue and green make people usually feel calmer.
Which Colors Make People Saddest?
Darker colors like gray, black, and brown tend to make people feel sadder.
Link Of The Study !