What Is Considered Abuse?
A lot of people when they think of abuse automatically think of physical abuse. There are lots of different kinds of abuse though like emotional, sexual, discriminatory, etc. There are lots of specifics but overall what would be consider abuse is neglecting their prime needs like food, water, affection, and supervision. Physically harming a child (hitting them, inappropriately touching them,slapping them, etc) or verbally assaulting them (ignoring the child, rejecting the child, calling them names,threatening,).
How Does It Affect Child Development?
Besides physical injury affecting the development of children, there are studies shown that socially they have higher rates of anxiety. Also, mental illness is more common in children that endured child abuse. Extreme neglect can even affect brain development.
Does It Affect Children Long term?
Long term it can make children be more distrustful than the average person. Children that went through child abuse usually have a hard time maintaining attachments, have worse cognitive skills, worse mental health and a difficult time socially maintaining or making attachments with others.