People are sentenced to the prison system every. single. day. But how effective really is the system?
How Effective Is The Criminal Justice System?
The criminal justice system is ineffective most of the time. While the concept of the rehabilitation system is in theory supposed to be effective, continuous research shows that it is ineffective.
Why Is It Ineffective?
There are tons of reasons to why prison can be ineffective. One of them being that combining people that committed high risk crimes can influence people with lower risk crimes to commit higher risk crimes. Another reason as to why it can be ineffective is because of the resentment it brings to inmates to get back at society once there out.
What Are The Psychological Effects Of The Prison System?
In America the psychological effects of the prison system usually include panic anxiety, rage, depression, hallucinations, and Post Incarnation Syndrome symptoms. The Post Incarnation Syndrome "is a mental disorder that occurs in individuals either currently incarcerated or recently released; symptoms are found to be most severe for those who encountered extended periods of solitary confinement and institutional abuse."
What Are The Alternatives?
In this article I have talked a lot about how prison is ineffective. But, what are the better alternatives?
Some of the alternatives include
-House Arrest
-Community Service
-Psychiatric Treatment