Why are we attracted to certain types of people?
Although there isn't a specific thing that makes you attracted to others, there is enough evidence to make a evidence supported hypothesis on what contributes to attraction! There isn't enough evidence to have a concrete answer though considering how complex humans are! That being said this is a list on what can make people attracted to someone!
-How often you see them/Familiarity
-How much they reciprocate
-How similar or opposite you are to them
When does attraction start to develop?
Around 11-12 for boys and girls!
Why are we a certain sexuality?
So, sexual identity can include environmental, biological factors, and emotional factors.
Just as you don't choose your height and eye color you do not chose what your sexuality is!
Myths about attraction!
There is a common myth that if you do a specific thing like wearing red you will be seen as more attractive. But that is just a myth because everyone is attracted to something different and although they're are studies backing those statements up, when it comes to things like attraction it's more complex because of all the factors that go into what makes someone attracted to someone else and a main one being the environment your currently in. So studies from a different country than the one you are in can be very relative making the studies inaccurate!