Why are some people non-verbal? What makes people communicate in different ways? How do non-verbal people communicate? Hi everyone! I'm Nicole a teen interested in psychology and for this weeks blog, I am going to talk about non verbal communications and answer questions which you might be wondering :). I hope you enjoy!!
What makes someone non-verbal?
A big percentage of non verbal people have autism or apraxia. Both of the causes of these disorders are unknown.
How do non-verbal people communicate?
There are several types of non verbal communication. The 6 most common types are kinesics, paralanguage, facial expressions, eye contact, posture, proxemics and haptics.
Kinesics ~ Ex. using your hands, nodding your head, etc
Facial Expressions ~ Ex. smiling, eye rolling, essentially any facial expresions
Eye Contact ~ Ex. eye contact. nothing else to be said!
Posture ~ Ex. arching your back, sitting up straight
Proxemics ~ Ex. being near someone, being far away from someone else
Haptics ~ Ex. hugs, handshakes, etc
~There are many reasons people can be nonverbal, don't assume only people with autism are nonverbal
~Nonverbal people communicate through not just the 6 methods listed
~Truma can lead people to become nonverbal
~Non verbal communications can be very powerful and show a lot
~Within seeing non verbal communication we can discover lots of unwritten rules of communication